We are a friendly bunch of referees with a range of experience from the local parks to international level. In meetings we concentrate almost exclusively on learning and development with a great deal of ‘active audience participation’.
The Society is affiliated to the national Referees’ Association and the Surrey County Referees’ Association. Membership fees never exceed a local match fee and there are many benefits of joining (see here for details).
We are extremely proud to have been awarded The Referees' Association SILVER QUEST AWARD in 2022 having been awarded the BRONZE QUEST AWARD in 2016; this being the equivalent to FA Charter Standard for clubs proving our commitment to development and support of our members. We are currently in the application process to gain the SILVER AWARD.
Link up with us on Facebook here.
Find details of The RA insurance policy here.
We meet monthly during the football Season at Met Police Sports Club, Ember Lane, East Molesey KT8 0BT starting at 7.30pm. Click here for the location.
MEETING DATES 2024/25 (and activities)
September 16 - AGM - David Crick (Chair, FA Referees' Committee)
October 1 - Match visit to Cobham FC -v- Alton Town FC
October 21 - Society debrief from the game
November 18 - Craig Hicks (Surrey FA RDO)
December 16 - Christmas Quiz
January 20 - Tim Lawrence (Horsham RA) - Participant behaviour
February 17 - Damith Bandara (EFL A/R)
March 17 - Steve Bennett (ex FIFA Referee & FA Coach)
April 21 - Steve Worsley (KRS & FA Developer)
May 19 - TBC
WHAT WE DID IN 2023/24
August 21 - Fitness Training - Imber Court (19:00)
August 23 - 'Positioning at restarts' session - Imber Court (18.30)
September 18 - AGM - Simon Parbery (Chiltern & District RA)
October 9 - Andy Ambler (FA Director of Professional Game Relations)
November 20 - TBC
December 12 - Christmas Quiz
January 15 - Tim Lawrence (Horsham RA) - On-field discipline
February 19 - Steve Worsley (KRS & FA Developer)
March 18 - Howard Webb, MBE (PGMOL Chief Refereeing Officer)
April 15 - Min Gupta (RDO, B&BCFA)
May 20 - Michael Webb (Woking RA - EFL A/R)
WHAT WE DID IN 2022/23
September 19 - AGM - Elle Kaplicz on the Women's Refereeing Pathway
October 17 -
November 21 - David Crick on Player Management
December 12 - Christmas Quiz
January 16 - Tim Lawrence (Horsham RA) - Managing free kicks
February 20 - Steve Worsley (KRS & FA Developer)
March 20 - Colin Lymer (FA Coach) - What's the meaning of Complicated?
April 17 - Steve Oakey (Vice Chair, The Referees' Association) and match feedback from Chelsea Women -v- Brighton with Abi Byrne FIFA Ref) & Georgia Ball (AR)
May 22 - Farai Hallam - 2B referee - FA PL Academy Support Manager
Want to train as a referee?
Contact Craig Hicks at the Surrey FA on Craig[dot]Hicks[at]surreyfa[dot]com or telephone him on 01372 387094.